Wednesday, April 05, 2006

Now that it is April, spring is pretty much here. On Saturday, I made a big deal about not using any more heat in the house until October. Since it has still been getting pretty cold in the house at night I have already broken my vow and have been using the furnace early in the morning. Between the dryer running and all the little bodies we have running around the place stays pretty warm during the day.

Yesterday I dropped the car off about halfway to the office then biked, bussed and biked again the rest of the way. There is nothing quite like riding a bike in the springtime. Riding on the trails through a marshy area between the UW campus and Lake Washington took me right back to the days of my bike riding youth. As I was bombing down the hill behind my office I saw another guy coming up the hill and making much better time than I had in the morning – I smugly thought to myself, “Well, I made it up too…” that is I thought that until I noticed he only had one leg.

I have always felt that the best way to live would be one in which you could ride or walk most everywhere you needed to go. This idea runs up against the need to live out where you can have some space to grow more plants and animals. Lord willing perhaps we can someday live nearer to a small town and be able to bike in and out………

If the Peak Oil predictions are correct, over time the world may come back to this type of arrangement.

I just finished reading the book Seeds of Deception, which is about the GMO industry. You can check it out at The site also contains a very good lecture on the subject.


Blogger James said...

A kid is worth 200 btu's, so having a few around is a bonus.

I know what you mean about the tension between small town life and rural life. Cars have divided these two ways of living completely. I'm hoping Morrisville has a renaissance that would make it worth a bike ride.

7:48 AM  
Blogger Christine said...

Walking or riding to work would be such an ideal mode of transportation! Once upon a time, I used to be able to ride my bike to work, and after work, go out for a bike ride before I went home- I was the most fit, and got to know alot of the area and people!

6:17 AM  

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